A game show kind of moment
This shot from mid-January taken at Trinidad Head reminds me of the game show as though a sign plugging a holiday in Tahiti... Many years ago I came to the belated realization behind the true concept of a game show that I watched as a kid. That the 'prizes' given away were just solid tokens of advertising for those items. Yet not merely the prizes, but all the products that made up the vast array of 'games' that contestants played to win their booty. Without naming the show, not wishing to give it more than its due, it was an AHA moment. And now when something of a similar sledgehammer upside my head occurs, my husband and I call it a Game Show Kind of Moment . Well, we use the actual name of the program, lol. Today I had one of those concerning the writing. I woke up WAY TOO EARLY, thinking about when to put tomatoes in the garden, where will I plant random baby zinnias, just silly stuff that at two a.m. wasn't conducive to finding sleep. Sometime after three I qui...