The never say never conundrum
What I'm planning to write tomorrow, fingers crossed for a wordy NANOWRIMO start! Several years ago I made a decision that for a good while caused me a lot of consternation, a choice that I said I would never make again. Well, I'm strongly considering going back on that pledge. I'm thinking about publishing the first of a series without having subsequent novels written. Quick backstory: in writing The Hawk , I released the first 40K fully aware that I wasn't done, nor would I be able to gauge when I would be done. I did that because I rightly, if not painfully, assumed it would perhaps be the only impetus to keep me writing until the story was DONE. But OMG what pressure, tension, commitment! How many times did I say to myself, "You will NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" Um, many. Yet here I am, giving serious thought to doing it again. Why, you might ask. Good question! Well see, there's this intriguing novel I've dug up from 2013 and.... Really, that...