Wearing my grandma hat

Honeycomb Stars coming together!

I'm off to see family, will be looking after my grandsons for a few days while their folks enjoy a little getaway. A road trip is thrown in for good measure, so today I picked blackberries and tomatoes; I need to remember to refreeze the berries this evening. I have read through the second novel in my current series, cut fabric for autumnal quilts that I'll start when I return. And I finished the blocks for the Honeycomb Stars quilt, although plenty of sewing remains on that project. Something for the middle of October, I'm guessing. And these triangles don't scare me at all....

I don't make this quilt how it's presented in the pattern. Instead of chain piecing groups of colours, I chain piece a row at a time. Makes for more work, but I prefer designing the quilt top, then sewing the blocks. This is as futzy as my machine-pieced quilting gets, but I'm taking some Cornflower blocks that need basting, keeping me busy when free time allows.

It's a little funny thinking this is one of the first times I've looked after the grandkids since Covid. Before 2020, I was often keeping an eye of that collection of wee ones, writing and sewing in between. I can't lament the lost years, for EVERYONE missed out on being with their families. All I can do is embrace this week, even with the high temps, making memories that might be recalled by all I visit. My youngest grandson is three and a half, but the rest of us are old enough to remember.

And maybe one day that youngest grandchild might look up this blog, noting that Grandma was quite excited to see him, his older brother and their parents. And their new pup, ha ha. That I brought stuff to baste, but not hexies. That youngest grandson LOVES hexie shirts, lol! I made those grandsons Honeycomb Star quilts last year, perhaps I'll get some pictures of them. And when I come back, maybe I'll start writing.

Yeah, maybe....

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