That Which Can Be Remembered

My latest novel!

Having returned home late yesterday, I gave brief consideration to releasing my newest book last night. However Future Me insisted I first get some decent sleep, and thankfully I listened. But on this beautifully sunny (and chilly) day, may I present the final installment in my latest series, the aptly titled That Which Can Be Remembered.

Available on Smashwords, and soon enough on other fine online retailers, TWCBR concludes what began as a road trip for Brynn Dahl and her family to find one thought lost to a menacing plague. Along the way they reunite with old friends, then are led to a faraway ranch whereupon dwells a figure from Brynn's past who carries no memories of their life together. I don't recall from where this plot originated, but all these characters are dear to my heart, snippets of Brynn's Vodali language having made their way into my lexicon. Especially in conjunction with my clan's current travails, ohmah polise seems inescapable; inexplicable occurrences must be embraced with open arms despite how unseemly they appear.

Within this novel love is discovered as danger threatens to separate Nasri from Timral. Lon and Finn's teenage banter was a joy to develop, as was Ronan's continued healing. But Brynn and Strivek take center stage, finding amid his lost memories a path they can perhaps walk together. I won't say any more, other than all of these folks, Pollette, Mo, and Mirella included, brought me incredible delight which I am privileged to share with you readers. As a holiday treat, at the conclusion is a peek at my next series, the first chapter of The Earthen Chronicles Book 1, which will become my focus as soon as I've unpacked and sent off the last of the Christmas parcels.

That Which Can Be Remembered is a free novel and until the end of the year its predecessor Gracious Mysteries can be downloaded for free as well only on Smashwords in their year-end sale. Available in all formats, The Possibility of What If introduces this fine cast, my first foray into the fantasy genre. May their foibles and virtues bring you hours of entertainment this holiday season, also providing peace to your thuelans. As Mirella cautioned Pollette, doubt permits the possibility of what if!

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