Making sense of altered realities

While admiring the back of this fern, whoops I found a spider!

Part of this pertains to real life. Part of it associates with my novel. I'm still writing, kind of an altered universe in itself. Also a relief right where I sit. And a wonder especially for my current well-being, compromised by an achy tooth and grateful weariness with our cold, rainy weather. I'm thankful for the precipitation but starting to feel beaten down by the chill, yet I can't begrudge whatever manner the rain falls, ahem. Gotta keep a stiff upper lip and just maintain the word count, which THANK YOU JESUS continues to accumulate.

While I'm so appreciative of the rain and the prose, I am starting to feel the effects of such gracious mysteries, lol, which is something else I need to blog about, dude!  So my novel Gracious Mysteries is FREE this week on Smashwords. Hand on heart, I totally forgot about that until I just typed out the previous sentence. I barely have the wherewithal to keep straight what's on my To Do list, thank goodness for reminders on my phone! It's March and the days are lengthening, a saving grace during our LONG SPATE of late winter, wow. We had snow yesterday, hail today, and this weather isn't fading anytime soon. Others have it far worse, folks stuck in their homes due to deep snow. Roads have been closed, people without power; some in my family will be cleaning out their fridges and freezers, such a damn drag. And others in my sphere are burying their fathers; 2023 has felt much longer than the two months and four days it has lasted. I'm aching for warm spring temperatures, and the end to my novel, the latter perhaps arriving sooner than sunny weather.

While I don't know what will become of this draft, I will say I think I'm aware how it's going to end, woo hoo! And it's not the conclusion I initially envisioned, hmmm. Or maybe it will be, I should know in the next few weeks. This story is truly cathartic, as well as suddenly aligned to what those around me are experiencing, when life alters so suddenly one assumes to have fallen into a different version of one's previous existence. Not exactly a pleasant trip, although in fiction, the edges are smoother than in real life.

And with that, I'm going to embark upon another writing session. It's cold outside, better to spend my time in the fictional realm, the warm August sun where my characters are currently dwelling. I'll crank up the space heater, and imagine I'm wandering the beach with them, looking for seashells, phones, and a little peace of mind.

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