Returning to my realm

Amid the irises, a hyacinth planted last year is blooming! Even better, I'd forgotten I had put it in the ground, hehehe.

The grandsons, and their folks, left this morning. A wonderful and wild week was enjoyed amid torrential rain, copious sunshine, warm-ish cloudy days and me installing a new keyboard on my computer. I managed a little writing that one morning was rudely interrupted by lowercase rrrrrrrrrr's springing up in the prose. Fortunately I had a spare keyboard and that corrected the errrrrrroneous letter, lol. Scattered among marvelous memories of my eight and four-year-old grandkids, I am grappling with a small cold, but truly wanted to update this site, in that novelistic ideas have been piling up, although very little sewing occurred; I patched a pair of trousers for each grandkid, plopping a 1.5" hexie onto knees, during which my eldest grandboy noted that my stitching made him carsick, ahem. I promised on his next visit we'd try the machine, and I'll accept that not all my descendants are meant to follow in my crafty footsteps.

But as to the writing.... Perhaps it was the case of what isn't permitted becomes so tantalizing that one can't stop trying to squeeze in a few paragraphs. I thought about writing today after lunch, but a nap beckoned instead, yet I am not my beloved, who sleeps at the drop of the proverbial hat. I did lay down, but plot notions stirred my intellect, then the heater came on and it's really LOUD in our room, sheesh! I finally gave up on the sleep factor after about forty minutes, then did some dishes. The house is SO DIFFERENT when it's merely myself and the hubby, especially when he's sawing logs, ha ha! I have some laundry to check in a bit, but after the last bowl was in the drainer, I hightailed it to the office, where I am now, waxing a little lyrically about eagerness to novel and how grateful I am to have spent the last week catching up with the boys.

It's a wholly altered life when family visits; pretty much all my waking moments are spent with them. Some of that is the basics; meals and bath times and bedtime routines, especially for the little chap. But there were plenty of treks about the place, into the forest, off to the beach, jumping on the trampoline. My eldest plays a mean game of Go Fish and I taught him the basics of Gin; how cool to have a fellow playing card enthusiast in the clan! Lots of Lego building, Hot Wheels tracks, Slinky fun, and of course a few episodes of Bluey most afternoons. The sunny days were AMAZING; despite the ground so soggy we bopped about outdoors, they with their rain boots and me with my rugged trainers. Boots were also handy at the beach, where they explored the shore as the tide receded, collecting shells, climbing driftwood, having sword fights. We try to be gender-neutral with the grandkids, but these guys really like whapping at stuff with sticks, LOL! They also enjoy wrestling with each other, but fortunately the only sand we brought home was what landed in the four-year-old's boots.

We'll see them again this summer, maybe for a longer visit. In the interim, I have writing to savor, some quilts to sew, and I really need a haircut. Our weather is slightly warmer than before Daylight Savings Time began, so perhaps it's time for this grandma to whack off the length accumulated since late last summer. Spring is nearly here, so much rain that our irises *should* do very well, and the gladiola plants are already poking from the ground. Not sure how the gardening will progress, but there are weeds to pull, some flower seeds to start, the greenhouse to organize. My youngest grandson enjoyed poking around the pots and dirt, reminding me to put start seeds on my list. We admired the strawberry plants, finding perhaps one baby berry in the making! A new season awaits, full of promise, prose, prints, and bright pleasures. And some rain, ha ha, before it's all said and done.

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