Profound truths realized and other treasures

I just LOVE these hues! Not completely rainbow, but multicoloured and just gorgeous.

My hubby and I just got back after spending a few days with our son. It's lovely visiting with family, yet always a treat to return to one's own domicile. I admired the results of a very wet winter; green flora flourished EVERYWHERE! I deeply considered my novel-in-progress, making notes not in longhand but on my phone. I did a little hand-sewing and a dab of crocheting, completing a blanket proper and starting the ruffle. Okay, maybe saying I 'completed a blanket' doesn't ring true until the border is finished, but it felt like a win regardless. (Unlike how I managed to center this paragraph inadvertently, quite a fail....)

The above picture is one of the treasures. The truths came about like drops of scattered rain, concerning my writing mostly, but not merely the WIP. I pondered why I only publish novels as ebooks, accepting my place as a simple storyteller who takes full advantage of twenty-first century tech to release my yarns in an unobtrusive manner. Yarn, ha ha; I've been crocheting for coming on thirty-five years, writing for over sixteen. My books are similar to blankets I've crafted, either with acrylic yarn or those created with fabric; I give away stories because I've written them, just like I gift blankets of various sizes. My novels aren't perfect, nor are the quilts and afghans, but they are distributed freely and with much love in every sentence and each stitch.

At the top of my blog I previously labeled myself as an author and quilter. As of today, I'm changing author to storyteller, a title less formal but more apt. Formality has its place, but no longer do I wish to be more than I am, a woman in her mid-fifties who enjoys telling tall tales when not fashioning warm fuzzies, although I hope the books do that as well when the plot calls for it. I desire to impart grace and love with prose and prints and a crochet hook if I have extra skeins. While I have stories to share and a technological method available, I'll keep releasing books as they emerge. I'll stitch quilts and crochet baby blankets the same. That's where I'm at these days. Keeps me mostly outta trouble at the very least.

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