Four corners

With two days left, all that remains on quilt construction is half the binding to be attached to the back and a date with my washer and dryer. Yesterday was a heavy duty sewing machine day, the likes of which made me grateful this morning to have accomplished the bulk of the work. As I pinned the binding, I listened to a an old playlist newly renamed with a few additions, which has inadvertently become yet one more soundtrack for my fictional WIP series. But now with a name, I can refer to it here with an actual moniker: Four Corners. Not that I know what that means in the grand scheme, but it's something.

The photo above seemed the perfect shot for this post; the four corners of my fabric WIP, one mitered corner completed. I've been wondering for a couple days what Four Corners means in my story, but for my quilt, it's marvelous to have so much done. It's nice to know I can still knock out not a rush job but a good piece of sewing, even adding some hand-quilting to boot! I haven't packed a single item of clothing for my upcoming trip, lol, but the quilt will definitely be traveling with me.

Adding music to my phone was another must, and I need to add my writing folder to my list. Not sure when I'll have time to scribble plot notes, hanging out with family the priority. But maybe early in the morning, if I'm not stitching Cornflower blocks. If I have time, I'll write the songs on my WIP & Playlists page.

Part of Four Corners suddenly figuring so heavily in my life is allowing fleeting notions to take hold, whether they are tangible like quilts or playlists or ethereal like book ideas or grace to act as catalysts to peace or art or kindnesses or healing. Within this series I know of three corners and I'm trying not to think too hard about what the fourth might be, a family or plot line that currently sits beyond my knowledge. Or maybe I'm the fourth corner, like breaking down the fourth wall. Oh wow, that would be a wild plot twist in a fictional novel, lol! Not that I'm going to include myself in this book, but once I finish this story, maybe I'll think back to this night, watching the MLB All Star Game while listening to some fave tunes as I wrote this scattered post about quilting, writing, prepping for a trip, and mulling over four corners.

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