Four days for a finish?

Another quilt top is DONE! However, I leave for a little holiday on Friday and want to bring a completed quilt with me. I sewed the binding together before snapping the picture above, yet that strip requires pressing. And a back needs to be acquired, then a sandwich made, basting to follow, then machine quilting. Said binding then will require attachment, the whole kit'n'kaboodle tossed in the laundry. I'm flying east after lunch on the fourteenth, hopefully I can pull it off before then!

The last few weeks have been a marvelous whirlwind of visitors, familial and friendly. I faffed around with this quilt, help coming from my grandson in the designing. When time was available, I sewed rows, then stitched those together, and after a couple of cloudy days spent gabbing with an old buddy from my junior high days, there lies many squares little and large alongside rectangles aching for total completion.  Currently I'm seated outside on a gloriously sunny afternoon so strikingly summer-like it's as though the last few days have been just as vibrant. Photographing the quilt top seemed perfect on such a fabulous July day, like the sun's sudden presence was merely waiting for me to finish sewing.

I *think* I can get this project finished by Friday. I won't be fiddling with my novel, at least not the manuscript. I have big plans to start writing when I get home, so while I fashion a quilt back and press a binding strip and baste and machine quilt I will be deep in thought toward my story. Chats with my friend have provided me much to ponder, both in reconnecting with a pal and the essence of our lives lived in the spirit of grace. I very well might use our topics in the upcoming yarn-spinning, or some semblance of those discussions.

I also have marigold seedlings ready for transplant, as well as packing to do. And PT to attend for a sore right hip that has improved with exercises. My goodness it's been a busy summer, with no sigh of slowdown! And that's fine because after this quilt is completed, I plan a little break from quilts in order to concentrate on some autumnal placemats for our household. Ha ha; I say a little break, but what I actually mean is a week or so away from peeking at my sewing To-Do list. Yet those placemats aren't going to quilt themselves and I itch to get back to writing.

Such a blessed set of circumstances, something my friend and I chatted about, also what I mulled over with other recent guests. And what I hoped to impart to my grandson. Our time is best spent with those we love or doing what brings us joy. And with that, I think it's time for a cup of decaf tea, or maybe a caffeine-free coffee. I'll sip that beverage in the beautiful sun, giving thanks for all these treasures.

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