Summer reflections

Amid a marvelous wave of visitors, I have steadily continued the morning edits. The stitching together of Book 2 is now viewed with discerning eyes, in that finally it is being read on the heels of Book 1. Most of the loose ends have been neatly sewn in place, but a few ragged edges remain, which I'll get to...sometime. LOL. I'm feeling like the creature above, a newt that greeted me yesterday as I headed outside, remaining along the back steps when I returned indoors. Just hanging out, slightly concealed, but not running into the foliage for protection. I meant to show this picture to my grandson, hopefully I'll remember later today.

His presence is an intriguing element to our lives here, in that he's garnered some insights to how grandparents manage their days, hedged in what would an eight-year-old find interesting. His family arrives tomorrow for a few days out of the heat and they all will return home hopefully with no newts in tow, but good memories as well as some fabric souvenirs, hehehe.

Hard to believe it's already July; 2023 is speeding right along the another year in my life train. Wimbledon starts next week, the solstice has past although our days remain pleasantly lit. Marigold seeds I planted with my grandson have sprouted, but the calendulas aren't as exciting. I have cosmos, sweet pea, and nasturtium plants to put into the ground; it will be fascinating to observe how they respond to mid-summer planting. A quilt to put together calls my name as well as continued read-through edits, which aren't as taxing as full-on revisions, which Book 2 requires, ahem. It's done, but still needs assistance.

Yet I have firmed up some Book 3 ideas, loosely plotted out novels 5 and 6. The fourth installment is fairly solid, not exactly how a series is meant to fall into place, but adapting on the fly is an important element to master, especially as one ages, whether in single or double digits. My grandson has learned that Grandma and Grandpa are indeed getting older, yet we possess a few pearls of wisdom, hah! Constancy is the overriding theme, with the occasional foray into town for errands, maybe an ice cream, an evening on the beach. More beach time awaits when his family arrives, perhaps another soft serve cone too, lol. And certainly more newt sightings, which after all my beloveds depart could become my mascot. I'm ready to hunker down, stitching together the current design on the quilt wall, amassing more notes for Book 3, keeping tabs on sprouted flowers, and of course eliminating the accompanying weeds. Despite summer having just officially started, to me July has always meant the middle of the season, probably because where I grew up the heat had been in force for several weeks. Will that change as my years in Humboldt County increase? Only Future Me knows and she's not telling. Kids return to school next month already, whoa! What the newt would make of such things, who knows. Time to wrap up this slightly scattered post as another magical summer day emerges....

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