Important details uncovered

Now this is my kind of outdoor activity; making a cowl from gorgeous autumnal yarn.

So a spoiler alert: I have been writing my latest novel with a modicum of realized plot. A modicum of realized plot; that in itself could be the title for this post. But Important details uncovered works too, in that what I'm kinda confessing is that at seventy K into this book, I finally figured out the Aha! element, answering all the big questions that have been piling up, ahem. And Oh My Goodness am I grateful to now understand what's going on with everyone, lol! Yeah, big deep sigh of relief, followed by, "OMG, I need to remember all this and finish the dang story!"

A few times I have been so brazen to write with this scant of a clue to what this twist meant and what that cryptic gaze implied. The ending I have had in mind for months remains solid, but jeez Louise, what's with all the cloak and dagger hoo haa, most of it within my own head? Well, Future Me exhorts, sometimes you have to go on a need to know basis.

A need to know basis, Present Me harrumphs. Within my own dang novel?

Subsequent chapters are in my parameters, Future Me smirks.

But knowing what happens within a single chapter, what about that, Present Me counters.

You did a great job, Future Me says nervously.

With barely a friggin' notion to what in the heck I was writing, Present Me shouts.

Hey now, calm down, Past Me snorts. You've been filled in so don't get your knickers in a twist.

But all this time I.... Present Me takes a deep breath. Okay, yeah, whatever.

No whatever, Past and Future Me chime together. Be grateful and move on.

Present Me takes another deep breath, and types the following: Yes, I am grateful. I'm also often trying to control the situation within my novels when I should more readily not worry about this or that or the other (an inside joke that once this novel is published a reader might stumble over this post and smile) but just keep writing as I always have, assured that loose ends will be neatly tied and uncertain characters will shed their ambiguities.

Exactly, Future Me smiles, while Past Me shrugs, off to make another cup of tea.

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