
In the last twenty-four hours, we have received nearly two inches of precipitation. The photo above was taken yesterday at 4.25 p.m., and overnight a little more landed in the gauge. The air is clear over most of Northern California and in Southern Oregon too. Fires are still burning, but a great relief has been experienced.

When we lived in Silicon Valley, fire wasn't a major threat until the summer of 2020. I think back to those days, packing precious belongings as we were near an evacuation warning zone. I keep a go bag at my bedside now, in part from the threat of earthquakes, but fire remains a major issue, and then rain falls, rain so prevalent earlier this year but extremely absent for the last several. As the sun streams in my office window, I am still picturing yesterday's gray skies, water pouring from the heavens, dousing the flames and bringing respite.

Not much else to report, in that the writing, sewing, etc, are about as usual. I have begun revisions on my novel, have nearly finished up autumn placemats, with another couple of coasters awaiting attention. I sewed them up while watching water stream from clouds onto the ground. I can't fully express how grateful so many hearts are this morning for yesterday's weather. Hopefully this storm will usher in a temperate, damp autumn; for now, it's time to dump the gauge as maybe a little more precip will arrive overnight!

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