Caught in a lull

Photo courtesy of my better half, snapped this morning on his walk.

After guests leave, I always want to jump right back into my routine. I LOVE my routine; mornings spent writing, afternoons dabbling with fabrics or enjoying the outdoors. Recently we've had some rain, which curtails the outside activities, but I have plenty of sewing to do, so it's not like I'm bored. Yet this afternoon we discovered our kitchen ceiling was dripping water, um.... Hastily my husband inspected the crawl space on the floor above and sure enough there's a leak. SHOOT! My quilt design wall is in the room with the crawl space, so as we wait for the plumber to arrive, I thought I'd write a post about being in between projects while catching up with this blog.

It's not merely the sewing that is on the back burner, but at least with the noveling, I am engaged, although not actually writing. Yet edits are meaningful, and I *think* after I finish this round, I will indeed start the next book in my series. At least I hope to, leaking pipes notwithstanding. Not that corroded pipes automatically derail me from sitting at my computer, but routines get jumbled and novels get delayed and....

And sometimes detours emerge creating different pathways. I'd like to think I'm at the age where accepting sudden alterations isn't impossible, in that I know everything happens for a reason, even old plumbing. I am totally on board with following the spirit wherever I am led, not a problem at all. (Meanwhile I'm listening to the plumber talk about saws and starting in the kitchen, ahem.) But I know myself pretty well and I certainly prefer fewer bumps in the road whenever possible. Yet life isn't mine to control, other than the very basics. The spider who built the elaborate web my husband photographed early this morning probably didn't think, "My efforts here are futile." Well, maybe it assumed that web wouldn't last forever, if spiders have the capability to ponder such things. The spider simply made the web, and depending on how long it lives, it will make another, similar to how I write novels and sew quilts. I can't stop doing these things, and I feel better when I am doing them. I don't craft fiction or stitch for any reason other than personal pleasure, and where these creations end up, be it as a published story or gifted blanket, are to make my little corner of the world a little happier and warmer than it was previously.

Where corroded pipes fit into all this remains unknown. But I have to take the not so pleasant with the terrific and keep on trucking. And beautiful spiderwebs are welcome on the ride.

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