Otherworldly considerations

Happy Halloween! I'm home after a lovely weekend spent with my eldest and her family. Pumpkins were lit on Saturday night, hence today's photo. The top left is my youngest granddaughter's (with help from her dad) spooky unicorn, while the left bottom step carving and upper right heart are courtesy of my eldest grandgirl.

Today's title is a play on the holiday as well as what I considered while driving home yesterday concerning a future tale in my current series; science fiction isn't my typical wheelhouse, but I mulled over plot and characters, trying to think outside the box. Not sure if I came up with anything truly bound-stretching, but it was fun to ponder. I also admired the gold-dusted green trees along Highway 101, autumn's kiss prevalent the further north I traveled. Which made me consider how to describe whatever planet my sci-fi protagonist goes to next. This story isn't what follows the WIP, but hovers on my radar, at least in developing whatever turns up, in that while I know the end, leading to that conclusion remains a little fuzzy.

A not quite full anymore moon plays into this as well; I woke today to loads of moonlight spilling onto the ground, offering yet another glimpse of a world normally unseen. It's like how I love low tide, as sand and tide pools emerge as though a newfound realm. Starry skies and crashing waves are certainly eye-catching, but other views are just as magnificent!

I'm great with melodrama and characterizations, but worldbuilding.... Yeah, that needs some fine-tuning, not just the conjuring of said planet but the customs and culture that goes with it. My sci-fi protagonist wants to get home, but to make that meaningful where that person current resides needs to be sufficiently different from Earth. Perhaps I'll seek my granddaughters' opinions of what would be an altered world, they certainly have great imaginations with their pumpkins, also the necessary element, that of one's heart topping the list. I'm good for that, and I'm grateful they too realize the importance. Kindness and compassion are required for any world to remain viable.

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