More inadvertent occurrences

One small Far & Away square in Brushfire.

The end of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend finds my other half and I home from familial visiting. Dinner has been eaten, we're listening to the new Kurt Vile EP-LP, Back to Moon Beach. I'm working on another Cornflower block that I took with me to stitch, but after getting the inner petals sewn together, I found half of the squares were basically the same hue as half of the petals; DOH! We weren't home more than half an hour and I had chosen a different fabric from William Reue's Architecture School collection. 'Far & Away' in Brushfire was the winner, as well as being very close to the title of my fictional WIP. Then I wondered if I had coined the title from that print, or maybe I dreamed doing so. I had been longing over that fabric once I saw it on my fave online store, and it's been in my stash for a while. Very fun when incidental issues get tangled together.

I've been awake for a long time today, stirring a little after three and not able to fall back to sleep. Instead I made some decaf brews and sat under the narrowest but cozy microfibre blankets where we were staying for the weekend. I proceeded not to sew, because I had to choose alternate squares, so instead I pulled up my Books note on my phone and read over what I had written concerning my series regarding titles for installments of said series. I added a couple of titles and very brief explanations of those titles, then closed my eyes and probably went back to sleep in a tall-backed chair having tucked those beach-towel width blankets securely around my legs. I don't think I dreamed about my novel or the sewing, but I might have.

And now it's a little after seven in the evening on the last day of a traditionally busy and family oriented American holiday. I've done a lot of traveling over the last eight or nine days as two of my three kids dwell in separate NorCal areas. We couldn't visit all the offspring, but we saw most of them, all the grandkids, and my husband's sister too. I also chatted in person with my BFF, so many great moments that sort of fell into place a little haphazardly, but it's all good, especially since everyone in my clan is home safely and soundly, well, mostly. My sister-in-law will be on this coast for a couple more days, then head back to her Midwestern residence. It's a big state, she said, as we drove her from Silicon Valley to Humboldt County, then eastward to the Sacramento Valley. The weather was good for road trips, and even if I didn't sleep so well last night, I should crash hard tonight with a little better grip on where this series is going, talk about road (and time) trips!

Not that I'll be writing tomorrow, but I'll finish the read-through of what has been accumulated, then dabble with adding another chapter on Tuesday. I have laundry to sort, plants to water, a quilt for my youngest granddaughter to finish, another for her older sister to start, Christmas lights to hang as well! I want to do that before rain falls later this week, even if December hasn't yet started. I'll go more slowly with the rest of the decorating, but it's getting dark so early now, little colourful lights will brighten the evenings. I won't presume to wonder what's inadvertent about those lights, something I'm sure. Or maybe nothing. Not everything is tied to another piece of my life, although this Kurt Vile EP-LP is pretty nice, maybe I can work it into the book somehow. One more Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

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