Machine quilting as the rain falls

The fun of machine quilting! And does it all come together FAST.

Not quite like making hay while the sun shines, but when the plumber turns off the water for four hours on a soggy day, this seamstress knows how to make do.

It's been a week full of anticipation, not for the plumber mind you, but for dear friends arriving this weekend. I've been sewing a quilt top, pictured below, that I didn't want loose on the guest room design wall, hah! I've caught up on laundry from our sojourn last weekend, tidying here and there, but yesterday having completed that quilt top left today and tomorrow wide open for the kind of cleaning that, well, I basically put off until right before guests arrive. Yeah, that was how I meant to spend today, hip-deep in dusting, mopping, etc, etc, etc. But when the plumber arrives with loads of enthusiasm to fix a few other issues, we said, "SURE THING!" The water was going to be off for four hours anyway, might as well knock off other things on the plumbing list.

But dang, my invisible cleaning service didn't show up today, insert BIG EYE ROLL HERE. Yet, I did get my youngest granddaughter's blanket completely machine quilted, WOO HOO! I'd considered hand-quilting some of it, but once I got going, and loaded enough bobbins ahem, it was a task meant for this day as showers outside seemed to work perfectly. Sometimes life is like that, the plumber shows up and the housekeeping agenda goes straight out the window. And I'm okay with that, on two levels, one being I am not Ms. Enthusiasm when it comes to cleaning house. And two.... I am totally on board with letting the day play out not as I thought it would, but as it was destined to go. Taking a day, an hour, a moment on faith; that kind of flying blind is right up my alley, especially if it means I'll mop (or not....) tomorrow.

Except when it's not, because sometimes the sewing machine is wonky and the quilt is difficult and the sun might be shining making me wonder why am I not outside in the bright beautiful day. Those are my late spring and summertime and early autumn ponderings. And yeah, it's not officially winter yet, but it's only a a few weeks away and it really did rain a lot today, and best to make hay when the precipitation tumbles. Or machine quilt when the water is off. Or whatever applies to your day when life takes a detour.

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