

Grateful and grimacing at the same time, such is life as one gets older.

Last night I sewed four-inch squares onto the sixth row of my Cornflower Quilt. I lamented the five missing squares, but didn't stew obsessively, as I have another quilt requiring hand-stitching as a distraction until I am ready to deal with those absent squares. Yet, as I headed to bed, laying that sixth row under the fifth row, I sighed softly, wondering how long I could put off basting five more squares to complete that part of the quilt.

Dressing for bed, I was grateful for our relatively warm winter temperatures, many Pacific storms leaving Humboldt County drenched but not chilly. I snuggled under blankets, closed my eyes, receiving a tender goodnight kiss from my hubby. He turned off the light, departed the room, leaving me with some last musings for the day. I considered how I could sew triangles to the first row, filling in gaps before conceding those five missing squares were truly beyond my possession. Or I could do the same to the last row and....




Uh, yeah.....

Recently Past Me is overcome by mild comfort and a stupefying sense of embarrassing stupidity.

Future Me is giggling uncontrollably a few feet away, smirking as well, although she smiles tenderly, knowing at one point she too had been driven nearly insane by what in the hell had happened to the missing squares that were never missing to begin with.

Present Me is.... Grappling with how aging assails a reasonably sane individual with less of their brain than what they had days or weeks ago. I won't go into months or years, that level of acuity belonging to Past Me, who is rolling her eyes HARD at the rest of us, assuming something so inane could never happen to her.

Laugh it up honey, Recently Past Me growls. You have no friggin' clue what waits ahead.

Future Me shoots Recently Past Me a snarky gaze. Be careful there with that anger. It's not that big of a deal.

Recently Past Me grimaces. Not a big deal, are you kidding me? How could I have forgotten there was no need for another set of squares! I've basted triangles for the perimeter, why didn't I see those missing squares weren't required, how did I....

Get over yourself, Future Me barks. Now all you have to do is baste the remaining triangles, then sew the whole thing together!

Meanwhile Present Me is grateful for their bickering because it puts a little necessary space between where I was last night, realizing I was never missing any squares in the first place, and recounting the tale here, ahem. Present Me is also VERY GRATEFUL that no longer do I need to search for said squares, as they never existed in the first place. LOL. Um....

LOL, Recently Past Me hollers. LOL? Are you serious?

LOL, Present Me grunts. Because life is too short to beat myself up for forgetting that I didn't need those pieces in the first place.

LOL, Past Me guffaws, pointing her finger at the three of us a wee bit older than her.

Lol, Future Me shrugs. Now, let's all move on. As someone use to say, getting old ain't for sissies.

How true that is, Present Me sighs, closing this post as well as the case of the five missing squares.

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