Another Chapter One

A mock-up for my next Ice Cream Soda block; looking forward to sewing this as another yarn is spun.

Starting a new book today, but it's not even seven in the morning and I haven't eaten breakfast and, and, and....

And this novel, originally slated in the number five spot, has moved up considerably. Now it's the prologue, ahem, requiring a little more gravity than previously. Previously it was an addendum, fleshing out a character that emerged offhandedly in Book 3, but much like Seth Gordon in The Hawk, this character has turned into a key player. Stories are funny like that, but I need to go with the flow and see what happens.

Well, I know what's gonna happen, or I think I do, lol. I've also decided that instead of publishing this series starting this year, I'm going to wait. I won't release it like I did The Hawk, piece by piece as it was written. This series will emerge much further into its creation, even if the novels are presented in a kind of standalone manner. Why am I going to keep these books under wraps? Mostly because having moved this installment from #5 to #1, I can't be sure where other planned novels will fit. And will more emerge? I just don't know.

It's a strange feeling to write something that has evolved into MUCH MORE than what I initially envisioned. I thought The Hawk was its own animal, but my goodness, this series is something else entirely. From humble cathartic beginnings to a space opera well grounded on Earth to.... The character I'll investigate in this novel is a woman consistently living on the edge, albeit with those around her who she knows will always pull her back. Yet when an opportunity arises that possesses no boundaries, Ryder Renavier considers taking her biggest leap ever. Expecting her family to again rein her in, this time a truth emerges that cuts Ryder to the quick, unfastening her from all safety nets.

If that wasn't enough I'm going to intersperse this story with chapters set in Ryder's past, perhaps non-linearly. I only decided that yesterday, as well as learning that optimal travel to Mars would be in 2052 not 2056 as I had initially considered. Okay, a quick revision to that, but otherwise.... A brand new cast awaits my attention, ha ha! More people in this series than maybe needs to be, in that I can't follow all their adventures. Some are merely for this or that book, like Duncan Hodges-Llewellyn, who as of now will only shine brightly within this installment. Or maybe not, which is the quirkiest part of telling these tales. I don't know who is going to stick around or who will be jettisoned to make room for further shinies. All I know is I NEED TO WRITE THIS STORY. But not this minute. I also need breakfast. Lol.

After breakfast I will start this novel. Insert smiley face here.

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