Living a different life


Meet Oscar, my youngest granddaughter's favourite stuffy. From where I'm currently seated, Oscar is keeping watch of the dining table momentarily transformed into an art station. Coloured pencils rule the area, alongside leftover spoils from Sunday's egg hunt. Nope, I'm not in Humboldt County anymore.

Time away from the North Coast is full of such activities, as well as much warmer temps, lol. Today we'll see a high in the mid to upper seventies, which feels like summer to me now. I haven't needed any over the counter medication for any sort of ache or pain, ha ha, the altered climate quite kind to my aging joints and muscles. Spending time with family is another remedy of sorts, stretching my meager drawing skills to their limits, but thankfully children aren't bothered.

I spent this afternoon working on one chapter of The Hawk, sipping decaf coffee that my daughter fixed, grateful for both the soothing brew and opportunity to dip my toes into slightly familiar waters, mostly in that I've not managed any revisions on this project in nearly a month and I really wanted to get back into it while the grandgirls were in school and my daughter worked in her office a few feet away. One chapter has been edited, woo hoo! I'll get another done tomorrow, maybe two on Thursday. Dribs and drabs will hopefully lead to more once I return home, crossing my fingers that will be the case.

A little sewing has occurred, but mostly time enjoyed with whom I am dwelling has been the biggest thrill. I chatted with the girls' other grandmother on Sunday, neither of us live near our descendants. We both lament the distances, but accept this is how it is, and we do our best to be as much a part of their lives that travel and technology allow. I was heartened for the support, in that for as much as we love our kids, we have our own lives too. Being a faraway grandparent isn't what we envisioned, but thankfully we can remain within their lives to some degree. And we relate our realms to them, which is just as important as sharing in their adventures. Of course I do that better when they visit us, but who I am as a person, not merely an abuela, is transmitted through myriad manners. I'm struck by how accustomed I've become to small town living, being thrust back into a metropolitan situation, another small aspect for me to ponder as the week continues....

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