Enjoying the output

The last few days I've spent the early morning reading/revising the fictional WIP, Book 3 of The Enran Chronicles. Just yesterday I perched my phone upon a small Barbie doll-sized chair I got at IKEA, and wow, that was super-handy to not have to hold my phone while reading an epub. Instead I gripped my cup of coffee or sat with my hands clasped together, but more rightly I was grasping a warm beverage. Yes, I still have to manually move along the novel, tapping the right side of my phone to turn the virtual pages, but one little mass-produced item has muscled its small metal way into how I edit books. The twenty-first century is FULL of surprises!

I'm eager to note that I'm wholly engaged with this section of the.... This book could stand alone, although it is tightly tethered to the previous installment and of course is mostly necessary for what comes next, although I have tried to write each book in a way that a reader could merely pick up one, read it, and not actually have to grab the rest. Which might not be beneficial in pulling readers into a series, but acting alongside expected convention isn't why I write books, so, yeah. I do things differently, and that makes me happy, and being an indie author permits such folly, as others might perceive these novelistic aspirations.

That's what I'm currently focused on, fulfilling my aspirations without ties to conventional expectations. Hordes of other writers fill that column. I'd rather do this noveling gig my way.

Or the way to which I'm being led. Gotta follow the muse, you know.

But the muse takes different forms; sometimes it's a driving urge to spew forth prose onto a virtual document. Sometimes it's heaps of edits thrust upon a rough draft. And sometimes it's my phone newly perched on its own little chair, or stand if you prefer, where I can read the story in a format that appears polished. By this time, epub-time I call it, the manuscript is fairly solid, but why not have a go at it as if it had been released and I was reading it again, praying to God the typos are few.

And now I can read and still grasp my decaf, hehehe.

But what I REALLY WANTED TO NOTE was how pleased I am with the story! Ahem, that's what this post was initially going to recount. Instead it turned into a shout-out for taking the alternate route, but okay, that applies too because this series bounces from familial melodrama/love stories to outer space hi-jinks, which isn't that conducive to current publishing genre-strangleholds. God forbid someone write a series reaching past expected genre boundaries, which isn't what I meant to gab about either, dang! I just wanted to note how much I like what I've written and how excited I am to read the next book!

That's really all I was gonna say.

Phone chair in use.

Yet this has evolved into something else, a small treatise about indie/self-publishing, about stretching beyond the expected, about seeing past the usual, not in only a sci-fi kind of way. But in reveling within an art form that requires a whole lotta silent time to create it, then more quiet moments to appreciate it. And a little chachka that inadvertently makes my life as an author a bit simpler, or easier to read on my phone while enjoying the morning brews. Thanks IKEA, and thanks be to God for directing my path in this manner. The writing doesn't occur without such marvelous intervention.

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