Seeing clearly through the fog


One of three EPP blocks I finished yesterday after the kids left, hehehe.

Weather along California's North Coast is wholly unpredictable. Meteorologists might provide an outline of temps and conditions, but truthfully living here joyfully means embracing the alterations that can slip away in less time than it takes to enjoy a cuppa.

This morning is one such example; about half an hour ago the fog erased the nearby treeline, obscuring the roadway by our home. Within minutes, the fog began to lift, and while the mountains are still shrouded, I can see the treeline and street. I wouldn't hazard to guess if sunshine will make an appearance, but it might. Life is full of surprises you know.


The grandsons left yesterday, the week full of trampolining, trail hikes, books, art, card and board games, a wee bit of Bluey, and other pleasant pastimes. Before they departed, a momma possum trotted through the yard, at least four babies on her back! None of us had ever seen that, although a possum pranced around our property last year, no idea if it was the same one. While I miss my family, I am grateful for the quiet, lol. They know they are always welcome, and another visit might occur before the end of the year.

Three years ago my husband and I moved permanently to Humboldt County. I say permanently because we'd bought this house the previous year, with no intents of leaving Silicon Valley immediately. Yet happy circumstances colluded to expedite his retirement, which was reinforced by a death in the family that reminded us life's length is precarious. The move was sort of sudden, and the house remains a work in progress, yet life along the rugged and unpredictable California coastline is.... A gift. It's indeed a precious treasure to call this place home, as well as my beloved no longer spending his days tethered to a computer or office cubicle. It's a treat to wake to fog, mist, clouds, or sometimes even a bit of sun, hahaha. Yes it's a drag to live far from family, but this is sometimes the way of life. Sometimes parents carry their offspring on their backs, but eventually those babies find their own paths.

#3; maybe it's time to count how many blocks I have accumulated!

An hour ago I considered pulling fabrics from my stash to make a vibrant new quilt top, not that there's any room on my work table for such an endeavor or that I have nothing else to do, HAH! Yet after breakfast, once a load of guest bedding is in the washer, perhaps I'll clear off that table, then choose some pretty prints, spreading them out, then placing them appropriately. I feel like a flag, or something flag-shaped, needs to be fashioned to celebrate the fog, all those possums, and this treasure. Life is a gift, and I want to embrace it with all manners available.

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