I like being efficient
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Hearts can be very efficient. And so begins another post! |
Prepping a novel for release, and other quirky notions...
I thought about this around mid-morning, how I was waiting for the pot of soup to simmer, meanwhile filling a couple of pitchers with water, not wanting to simply stand by the pot because a watched pot often takes ages to boil.
Yet it wasn't merely lunch on my mind, but my fictional WIP, as I'm in one of the last revisionary cycles. Hoping to release Splitting the Sky in two weeks, egad! Where have the last several weeks gone? Wait, don't answer that. Time's inadvertent march onward can't be analyzed, in that it moves too damn fast for me to consider. But here I kind of am, regardless.
This isn't so much about me not liking to be idle, although I don't like being idle. It's more about using time to its best, um, usage. Being efficient. Not wasteful. Because I'm two times twenty-nine, okay, fifty-eight. Maybe the whole two times twenty-nine thing is so last year. In a few months I'll be fifty-nine, talk about EGAD! Anyway....
Not a very efficient manner to discuss efficiency. Actually, I'm, uh, killing time, DUDE! I just had some mid-afternoon ice cream and I don't want to do my late-afternoon stretches for another fifteen or twenty minutes, allowing the ice cream and subsequent cuppa to settle. Not that my stretches are arduous, but....
(For crying out loud, get on with this friggin' post!)
That was Past Me hollering. Not sure why she's got her knickers in a twist, while Future Me hums quietly to herself, staring out the window at a sunny day. It's gray here, fog twirling, then receding, and I think I'll build a fire tonight. Always nice to sew in the evenings with a fire crackling and....
Oh yeah, sorry, um.... So I was making soup and filling water pitchers while waiting for the soup to simmer and thinking about my next novel and I titled this post and made a note and felt very good about myself. So simmer down yourself Past Me!
Um, huh. This isn't what I meant to write about at all. It's devolved into a lot of silliness to be honest, but sometimes silly is efficient too. Sure it is. Uh-huh. Yup.
Okay, so maybe it's not, but also to be honest, writing about being efficient is actually turning out to be an epic fail. Okay, maybe not epic, but certainly not successful. Maybe because it's Monday. The first Monday of the year. And in two weeks I'm hoping to release a new novel. And that's all I want to consider for Monday in two weeks from now.
Ba-dump-bump. Happy first full week of the year everyone!