Further lessons on patience


I'm still testing positive. Yet that frustration is tempered by what's happening east of us in Butte, Tehema, Shasta, and Plumas counties as the Park Fire rages. Butte County is dear to my heart; it's where I met my husband. That the fire was deliberately set is sickening, about all I can consider on that aspect. 

My beloved now has covid too, but he's feeling a little better today having managed some decent sleep. Life here revolves around staying masked, hand washing, and social distancing. Other than mild congestion I feel fine, well, I'm annoyed but compared to the troubles others are facing, it's hard to get overly irritated.

I wish Future Me would give any tiny indication of how long I'll be hampered or how much further damage the fire will cause. She won't even glance my way. Past Me is also staying away, but I'm not aggrieved at their absences because sometimes life is a study in being in the moment. And not always are those moments thrilling or giddy or memorable in a positive way. Sometimes life is just layers of minutes that feel like eons. 

Today's photo is of a Lucy Boston block finished a couple of days ago out of my Go Bag hexie box. It's certainly scrappy, and I'm thankful to Past Me for carefully fussy cutting the outlying honeycombs, although they kind of clash with the inner papers. I have no idea what will become of the block, probably add it to the stack of other finished Lucy Boston blocks. Again, some parts of life are merely meant for RIGHT NOW. There's no big agenda other than breathing deeply, giving thanks for the ability to do so. And so life goes....

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