July storms

Today my daughter tested negative! Her girls, and husband, were thrilled as you might imagine. I'm grateful she's feeling better, and I continue to progress through mild symptoms, thankful for Paxlovid. 

Last night a whopper thunderstorm proffered the evening's entertainment; all of us sat on the back deck watching as thunder and lightning heralded the fury. I'd been working on a playlist, finishing it in bed while rain and wind continued to pelt the landscape, the sky flashing from continued bolts. I listened to it as I went to sleep, then again this morning, stirring story ideas for my current series as well as further thoughts on America's political horizon. I don't want to bring current events into this blog, but suffice to say a storm has been swirling in this nation, and I don't know how it will unwind.

At least I can control my novels, or attempt to reign in characters trying to stage coups. And actually what I recorded in a Books note was just a little twist for a future installment, yet it acts as inspiration; one of these days I'll be home, feeling better, writing even. Even at the lowest ebbs, new days hearken.

If I feel so motivated, I'll put the playlist on the blog. I'm writing these posts on my phone, so it's a lot of intricate text-type typing, not super conducive to lengthy entries. Yet there's not much else going on, so perhaps I'll list the songs. If nothing else I am stoked for a return to my usual haunts, and so grateful for my daughter's recovery. I'm right behind her, lol.

Updated: check the WIP & Playlists page for the July Storms playlist.

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