Life rebooted

Blackberries are thick, just need time to ripen!

I'm home and very glad to be here. Three weeks have passed since I left for a sojourn that ended up being longer away than I had planned. Sometimes life works that way.

Re-entering my house, I felt to have been gone for ages, not sure if it was lingering effects of covid, my own age, or something less certain, but truly remarkable. Because I'm still feeling...not displaced, yet an intangible sense of alteration remains, like I didn't merely stay away longer than intended or dealt with a malady. It's like I've started a new chapter of my existence, which sounds alarming and more than a little dramatic, but I am a writer, melodrama part of my stock and trade.

It's like a fog has cleared, the mist of thinking I'm a lot younger than I actually am, lol. While hanging out with extended family, I gravitated to my sister-in-law, a dozen years my senior. Definitely three generations of us, but no longer am I among those under forty, hah! I was comfortable talking about various aches and pains with my SIL, because despite the years between us, I'm on my older side of the fence, no going back. A fascinating revelation that perhaps previously I wasn't comfortable claiming.

Yet other notions swirl around me, how brief is this life, and how little exterior noise in the guises of pop culture and social media matter, including this blog, ahem. Not that I plan to stop writing entries or fiction, only it's good to realize what is vital and what can be limited, excised even. All the trivia I used to think mattered decades ago means nothing to my daughter, and one day what currently seems to carry great importance will be just as useless.

What matters most is caring about and for one another in ways that cannot be misunderstood. Keeping the distractions to a minimum. Acknowledging the good and sharing those kindnesses. I'm fifty-eight years old, time speeding along so fast I can barely believe it's the middle of July. It's time for me to clear the deadwood, embracing the treasures. And to get the laundry into the dryer, lol.

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