A novel family reunion

Last night's EPP finish.

After a six-week hiatus, I sat down yesterday with The Hawk. OMG, how I missed those.... Characters is the correct manner to describe them, but honestly I felt like I'd entered a village hall, stepping into a warm camaraderie of family. It was silly, lovely, sentimental, and just what I needed. My goodness I'm glad I wrote that saga!

At the end of June, I wrapped up what will be Book 6, as well as finishing Volume 2. I left home feeling pleased for how much I have read since the beginning of the year, hoping to complete these revisions before the start of 2025. That's still my goal, although if I spill into January, no worries. Especially since reading this story brings me incredible joy, which wasn't what I'd considered when initially choosing to revise this, this, this.... It's a LONG tale, originally released in thirteen sections, but they were novellas for the most part. In this re-release, for which I have yet to decide a start date, I've split the story into ten novels. Months ago I thought I'd begin publishing perhaps about now. Yet, right now I barely have time to do more than laundry and replenish the Clorox wipes!

This is where being an independent author matters; my work timeline is set by me. While I'd love to have a book to link to within this post, instead I'll wax lyrically about how I can't wait to share these folks with anyone interested in recent historical fiction, spiced with a liberal dose of magical realism, and of course anchored by some awesome love stories. That's a pretty succinct tag line; I'll need to return to it when I do publish Book 1, lol.

In the meantime, I'll enjoy the cast's exploits, wholly drawn into their dramas and thrills. I know them well certainly, but it's been a long time since I've reveled in their lives, proffering this writer nice surprises as well as comfort food. Hopefully later today I'll sit down at one of their tables, then let their hearts and minds seep into the story-hungry cracks within my authorial skin. As I said in my last post, it doesn't take as much as before to make me happy. This novel goes well beyond the call of joy.

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