Familial interlude

My grandsons will be visiting, along with their folks, for the next few days. The stuffie pictured above is Peanut, an old fave of my eldest grandson. Peanut has been in our family for probably over twenty years, and is waiting to be claimed. I thought about putting Peanut on my grandson's bed, but that lad is nine and a half, better for him to do the honors, lol.

I was going to read a chapter of The Hawk, but in twenty minutes my hubby and I are off to run errands and get lunch. I probably won't have time to read that book, or write blog entries, while family is here, and I can write a post more quickly than peruse a chapter. I *might* get time for revisions, but only if I wake up super-early and my youngest grandson doesn't, hahaha.

In the meantime, enjoy the weekend in whatever manner is most pleasing! More tales from Humboldt County next week....

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