And then covid

Let me preface this post to note that as far as my husband and I are aware, neither of us had yet suffered through covid. I have now crossed that threshold in quite a dramatic, then mellow manner. Let me explain....

A few days after my eldest daughter's family arrived, that beloved gal tested positive for covid. She began isolating while the rest of us enjoyed plentiful card games and other pastimes. I think my granddaughters are now as hooked on Go Fish as me, lol. Yet on Wednesday evening, walking back from the village ice cream shop, my feet ached more than usual. I chalked it up to two nights of poor sleep, assuming I'd feel better in the morning.

My Thursday began with a headache, so I ate a little something, then took ibuprofen. A cup of tea followed, innocent enough, however my stomach wasn't pleased. Within the hour I was perched over the loo, losing my breakfast. A blip, I wondered, but I didn't mind taking the covid test brought to me in between visits back to the loo. Sure enough, the test line emerged even before the control line did. And at the end of fifteen minutes, both lines were plain as day.

The day became a trek back and forth from bed to the loo while back home my husband was arranging for prescriptions to be filled. At four p.m. I took Zofran, then thirty minutes later the first dose of Paxlovid. I fell asleep for two hours, waking to my daughter and sister-in-law with worried faces. My pulse and oxygen levels were checked, fluids administered. I was pretty loopy for a good while, still felt nauseous, but didn't lose anything more. By ten p.m. another dose of Zofran was ingested, sleep to follow. I stirred a few times during the night, but quickly returned to slumber.

At five this morning I woke feeling so much better than yesterday. Took another dose of Paxlovid, more ibuprofen, but Zofran wasn't necessary. The difference between yesterday and today is more than stark; Thursday I was pummeled into near submission, I don't recall the last time I suffered any stomach bug. Today I'm tired, but am not plagued by body aches, sore throat or sniffles. There's a slightly metallic taste in my mouth, a Paxlovid side effect, otherwise I'm okay.

I don't know if never having endured covid led to how my gut was attacked, or just the random nature of the malady. My daughter had body aches and head cold symptoms, and is still feeling meh. I know I've been blessed to not previously dealt with covid, always getting vaccinated. Was it luck, fate, I don't know. But now I have a modicum of antibodies, not as many as I would have possessed, and I'm VERY GRATEFUL to be feeling as good as I am regardless.

I was supposed to fly home tomorrow, but will take that journey next week. I'm hanging out in my room today, but will join the rest tomorrow wearing an N-95 mask. I guess I wanted to document my experience in part to note how effective is Paxlovid, Zofran too. And to urge that despite these marvelous drugs, taking appropriate steps are still vital. Covid is treatable, but it's still no fun. Stay healthy, keep cool, and I'll do the same.

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