Early morning revisions


Speckled fabric by Rashida Coleman-Hale: I LOVE this!

Years ago I spent the pre-dawn hours seated at my computer working on revisions. I used those moments to slowly grasp a new day as well as fit in necessary edits that allowed me to casually embrace writing without overtaxing my brain.

Those were days before I was into English paper piecing, before I became a grandmother. Those were years when I thought I needed to squeeze activity into every spare minute to justify being a stay-at-home spouse even if the most of the kids were out of the house.

I still don't like being idle. I'm terrible at meditating, or even watching TV as a relaxing pastime. My oldest grandson finds that hard to comprehend, lol, but I explained that as a kid we only got three channels and television never seemed the be-all end-all.

In the last few days, I have returned to those early morning screen hours, but not spent in the office. Instead I'm seated in the living room where the laptop lives, heavily invested in The Hawk. I don't turn on the lights, using the laptop's bright glow to make notes in my journal, where I describe the shrinking word count and any pertinent details on that day's edits. Thankfully the sky brightens up around, well, six a.m., and I'm not having to squint more than is necessary. I might still have the gray matter to read early in the day, but my eyesight isn't what it used to be.

Yet.... The desire to immerse myself in the world of noveling remains keen! Perhaps it's enhanced by a need to do something for me, when the rest of the day is spent enjoying the company of youngsters. I've even manged a wee bit of hand-sewing, in part to repair my eldest grandson's jacket, as well as a dabble in EPP, making a simple six-point star with some gorgeous Speckled in sorbet by Rashida Coleman-Hale. It will be for my Flock of Stars quilt, but was fashioned to see how easily Speckled fabrics lend themselves to hand-stitching, as I'm seriously considering Jodi Godfrey's Red Sky at Night sampler quilt. Not that I need another project, but....

But I do need time for me to do things that feed my soul. Not sure when I'll post this; my youngest grandson just came downstairs, ready to start his day. Off I go to make breakfast for him, and I'll post this as soon as the youngsters allow.

Pre-post update: It's 1.27 p.m. and my youngest grandson just laid down for quiet time. I'm glad I wrote this earlier, as blogging also feeds my soul, hehehe.

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